The Dark Retributionist ImporveMyGameJamProgress

In the 3 days of the jam I continued working on a potion system I already started, finishing the sprites and effects of all the potions (8 in total) writing a baffling 1600line long code as efficient I could manage, adding the potions to a shop with a hand that follows your cursor(my favorite part), and also adding a chest system with 10 items that all work! I didn't have time to make many levels, only adding 3 more to the tutorial(that I switched up a bit)

I also fixed a lot of bugs and added a little script that makes sure you cant uncrouch when in a small area.

I can't think of anything else I added, but I'm sure that there are some bugs I will need to fix after this build as I kinda rushed it!

Go ahead, play the game and leave feedback!

Files 22 MB
Mar 28, 2021

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