The Chillwoods devlog1

Hello, first real devlog for the new update, as I made good progress.

- Finished the final item obtainable from the boss battle, pretty cool

-Added crows with 3d sounds that are pretty cool also

- 3 more enemies, one very basic (just like a floating salamander), one that has a ranged attack, and one that has a shield, like the boss, and a sword attack that gives him more reach than it seems. 

- Background finally done and working 

-New walk particles

- Text bubbles on screen in-game, not rendered as UI, was very easy but I was being stupid.

Working on more obstacles, decorations, new items in the shop, maybe 4 more items(besides the relics), maybe reworking the game to let you have 2 weapons at the time instead of requiring an item (but that seems too good, idk) and more enemies before starting level-designing!

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